


• 2006 年全球被动元件市场规模约310 亿美元(1 兆零230 亿台币),电容占一半,电阻占13%, 电感16%, 变压器(transformer) 21%。
• 电容仍是主要的元件,我们如果要成为被动元件大厂,这个领域看来不能缺席。


• 虽然大陆的须求量最大,但是各区域的量差异并不大,如果能找到对的通路商,其实欧美的市场也很大。
• 目前我们比较有接触的大约只有41%的市场(亚太及大陆市场)。

• 全世界电阻市场约42 亿美元(1386 亿台币)
• 值得注意的是附加价值高的电阻
感测器(温度,电流) – 微电阻, NTC
耐候型– 抗硫化电阻高瓦特数– 高功率电阻

• 非线性电阻(non-linear) 包括正负温度系数热敏电阻,压敏电阻等等,市场总规模约为一般电阻+排阻的60~70% ,金额预估约500 亿(2011 年)
• 电阻市场依然呈现成长状况。

• 小型化,排阻,都依然是趋势
• 耐候性增加,可使电阻应用于更高价的汽车,医药,航空等市场。
• 高精准,高稳定性,可使电阻应用于量测,等工业用市场。
• 提升产品稳定度及品牌价值,才能进入高价的市场。
• Resistor : Technology trends
v Continuous trend towards more miniaturization (data processing, telecom) Downsizing and integration (0201 and lower), growth in networks/arrays
v Harsh environment in industrial, medical, automotive applications, aerospace/defense (high reliability, qualification)
v High accuracy, stability resistors for measurement applications
- Temperature sensors are requiring non-linear resistors, HVAC systems also
- Current sensing for power management
v Price pressure is high in consumer application (continuous shift towards SMD resistors)
v ASP should continue decreasing on a global scale because of consumer application and downsizing (single digit)

• 电容市场规模为153 亿美金(5049 亿台币)

• MLCC 电容是最大须求量,金额约58 亿美金,而且使用范围仍在增加,主要是技术的进展,使容值范围侵蚀了钽质及铝质电容的市场。 MLCC 的工厂目前亦往极大化,资本集中化发展,不建议介入,即使是高压,高容的利基市场。
• 钽质及铝质电容的市场也有52 亿美金的规模,因为信赖性的考量,无疑要

• 固态电解质的发展,使电解电容往低等效电阻(low ESR)的方向发展
• 钽质,铝质电容的SMD 化,亦是最近重要的课题。而主要是因为液晶电视, 电脑的大量须求所致。
Electrolytic Capacitor: Technology trends
v Conductive polymer for lower ESR(Small share of volumes, larger in value, larger case size)
- Under pressure from ceramic with intrinsic lower ESR
v Tantalum
- Still room for enhancement but close to the limit, new dielectric such
as Niobium now in the market
- High volumetric efficiency, stability(To and V)and reliability advantage
(used in aerodefense application, medical and industrial)
ex:pulse discharge (in particular medical electronics, implantable defibrillators
v Aluminum
High growth for SMD components(Flat Screens TVs, Computer), approx. 30% of total market and growing

• SMD 电感的须求量到2011 年有40 亿欧元(1 千800 亿台币),比电阻还大, 使用量因高频EMI,以及低压大电流稳压等的须求而迅速增加。

• 变压器的市场更是不亚于MLCC 电容市场, 67 亿欧元(3000 亿台币),而且市场须求往SMD、高频、小型化发展。利用薄膜技术应该有机会取得一席之地。

• EMI 的须求,SMD 电感须耐更高频
• 低电压高电流的设计趋势,耐高电流的power choke 须求急速增加
• 选用更有效率的磁性材料,使power choke 的体积微性化

Inductors: Technology trends
v Driven by higher frequencies (EMI filtering, HiQ components )and higher current rating in modern electronic designs(lower voltage, power inductors)
v The most difficult passive component to integrate
- State of the art Integrated Passive Devices reach value
<100nH (a minority of the market, <5%).
- On going effort on new materials and treatments (high permittivity to sustain decreasing size while maintaining induction)
v Power inductors driven by lower voltatges in electronic designs. Focus is on low loss material and lower profile packages
v Price: ASP should decline smoothly as technological progress is more difficult in the domain (low single digit)
